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Mexico: Deadliest non-war country for journalists

Those describing Mexico and the situation for journalists can stop hedging by saying it is ONE OF the most dangerous countries for journalists. According to my analysis of data from the Committee to Protect Journalists, it is THE DEADLIEST non-war country for journalists. Here are the stats: The first chart shows all non-combat or crossfire killings that the CPJ determined had to do with the journalist's work, 2011 to March 27 of this year.  In other words, they were killed for what they were reporting. Mexico ranks fourth in the world. But Mexico has many journalist killings that go unsolved or undetermined because of the impunity. So if you take all the non-war killings that are BELIEVED (but not always determined) to have been related to the journalist's work in the same time period, Mexico ranks No. 1. This is why I refer to Mexico as the deadliest non-war country for journalists in the world. Comments? Pushback?
Good new for Mexican journalists ? My latest piece for about the rise in investigative journalism in Mexico uncovering serious cases of corruption. Yes, many publications have done that over the years, the tools, standards and transparency are better than ever. You can go online and see the documents and hear interviews behind the report. While impunity continues to allow public officials to get away with these scandals, the work is having an impact. "Corruptos" are going down in the court of public opinion.

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